Vista Miles Information
Collecting Vista World Miles
- 1 Mile = £1, it’s quite simple!
- You earn Vista Miles every time you buy with a registered (logged in) account.
- The percentage of money back you get in Vista Miles depends on the type of customer you are. There are 3 levels of customer.
- Earth Customer (Lifetime spend of under £100); Moon Customer (Lifetime spend of £100 to £500) and a Mars Customer (Lifetime Spend of more than £500).
- An Earth Customer will earn back 5%; a Moon Customer will earn 10% and a Mars Customer will earn 15%.
- Points will be collected on all qualifying sales, even during special offers, except for delivery charges.
- Points cannot be collected on orders where points or gift vouchers are redeemed.
- You can keep track of your latest points update by logging into your account at www.vistaresin.com/myaccount.
- Ambassador codes provide quadruple miles to the customer on their first order with Vista. The miles gained are also added to the ambassador’s account.
Spending Vista World Points:
- One Mile is worth £1.
- You can use your points to part pay against your order at the point of checkout.
- You are able to use Miles in your account for any purchase.
Terms and Conditions:
- The Vista World Points scheme and Vista Subscription and associated benefits are operated by Vuba Building Products Limited, Beverley, HU17 8RE. Registered in England & Wales, Company no. 07254982. Please do not send correspondence to this address.
- Vista can cancel, withdraw or alter the scheme at any time, including these terms and conditions or any individual Vista Miles account.
- The Vista Miles Reward Scheme is only valid in the UK.
- If we identify that you hold two or more Vista Miles schemes, we may merge them into one account at our discretion
- Vista can take any action it considers appropriate, including removing or suspending a Vista Miles scheme and points accrued if we have reason to believe you are abusing the scheme or associated clubs and offers.
- Abuse would be regarded as one account being used by multiple customers; referring a friend used for orders for the same intended person and any other type of violation of the spirit of the points scheme.
- Vista will remove Vista Miles from registered Vista Miles accounts that haven't been used for one year or have been closed.
- To benefit from the Vista Miles scheme you must be a United Kingdom resident aged 16 years or over. Vista will not communicate with a customer until an appropriate age of consent is reached.
- Vista World Points accounts are associated with an email address which cannot be changed. If a new email address is used, a new account will have to be created.
- Points are not earnt during the payment of delivery charges or when using Vista Gift Cards.
- Points are available on the purchase of gift cards, but not when using gift cards to prevent double pointing.
- If a product is returned, the associated points will be removed from the account total.
- Ambassador codes can only be used once per customer, only available on their first order.
- Ambassador codes can only be used once per billing address.
Data Protection:
Vuba Building Products Limited is committed to protecting your privacy. We will always keep your personal information safe, will never sell it to third parties and will only send you marketing material if you have agreed we can do so. To enable us to provide and inform you about our products and services, we share your information between companies in Vuba Building Products Limited and with external businesses working on our behalf in the UK and abroad. Please refer to our privacy policy for full details of how and why we use your personal information.